6 Ways to Efficient Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing has been garnering attention from corporate houses all across the globe.

As reported by Forbes, 2021 is the year when influencer marketing is truly booming!

Short video-form content is the way to go. Instagram reels are competing with Tik Tok. Facebook ads are still as relevant. And Twitter is still the place where you can get all the gossip!

If you are on the lookout for implementing this trending form of marketing to enhance business profitability but are clueless about where to begin from, worry not.

Oh by the way, if you are not sure what is influencer marketing and why it is the new buzzword

right now, have a look at his handmade sketch note.

This blog helps you identify the 6 critical things to keep in mind while working on your influencer marketing campaign.

6 Critical Things to Keep in Mind

Set Goals and KPIs

Social media marketing is all about goal setting. And at Page Potato, our experts plan everything from scratch!

But, before you commence working on your marketing campaign, have a vision of what you wish to achieve through it.

Make a list of factors that you wish the campaign to contribute to and link them to your goals.

Once you have set goals, attach relevant KPIs with them that would help serve as metrics in determining the success of the campaign after its launch.

Sounds complicated, doesn’t it?

Let me explain using an example. If it is Brand Awareness that you wish to create through influencer marketing, monitor KPIs like an increase in the number of social media followers or growth in social media mentions.

If you are thinking of targeting a boost in conversions, keep a track of enhanced sales through coupons given out by the influencer. Record the metrics before you launch the campaign and compare them with the results later.

This will help you understand how successful your campaign has been.


Choose an Appropriate Social Media Platform

Once you have defined goals for your campaign, the next step is to choose a social media platform for its launch and subsequent run.

Every social media platform has a specific style associated with it. Thus, while selecting a platform, keep in mind the audience that you wish to target.

For instance, if you wish to reach out to the young population, Snapchat could be a good idea. If it is a universal audience you wish to target, Facebook marketing solutions could be of help.

Also, take into consideration whether you wish the influencer to post a photograph or video, or textual content.

For photographs related posts, Instagram could be ideal, whereas, for videos, you could choose YouTube.

For something that’s more business-oriented, maybe LinkedIn.

You could even add outbound links leading to your own website through stories on Instagram or Snapchat.

Most_popular_social_apps_among_millennialsSource: Infographic.statista.com

Shortlist Influencer Profile

An influencer is one who has established credibility among specific market segments by virtue of expertise and authenticity and has the power to influence consumer buying decisions.

Before you set out to find an influencer for your marketing campaign, be very certain of the kind of influencer that would benefit your business the most.

While shortlisting an influencer profile for your campaign, keep in mind these 5 golden rules:

  • Potential influencers must have a good following of your target audience
  • Their posts must be relevant to your product
  • They must be active on the social media platform chosen by you
  • They must have a style that goes well with that of your brand

Do you want famous influencers to notice your business? Read our blog on “11 ways to make influencers to follow your brand” for more insights.

Source: Tse1.mm.bing.net

Find Your Influencer

Trust me, influencer marketing is a tough nut to crack. It takes a lot of effort and patience to find an influencer who is a good fit for your brand.

If you wish to manually search for your influencer, the most affordable way to go about it is to check on social media platforms.

You may want to begin by using relevant keywords that could help you identify potential influencers.

For example, if it is a newly opened gym you wish to market, search for pages on “fitness” on Facebook.

If it is Instagram that you wish to run your campaign on, use hashtags to get desired results.

For instance, if you wish to market your travel blog through influencers use hashtags like #wanderlust, #travelbug # traveler to search for popular people who write regularly about the tourism industry.

You can even ask influencers to recommend other influencers.

In fact, Instagram itself gives recommendations for other influencers when you follow one.

Connect with your Influencer

Once you have a list of brand influencers that you wish to work with ready, try and connect with them based on your priority. Reach out to them directly or use agencies to drive communication.

However, we recommend that you make an attempt to know your influencers before trying to get in touch with them.

Make sure you have all relevant details that could help you convince them as to how the proposed brand-influencer relationship would be mutually beneficial.

Reach out to them through social media platforms or email.

Express your interest to work in association with them and explain how the deal would benefit them.

Quick Tip: Instead of getting directly to the point, try and establish a friendly connection with the influencers first.

Make them feel comfortable and only then share your business proposal with them.

Measure the Results

Once you launch your campaign through the influencer, track the progress that your business makes through it.

This brings us back to point number 1 of our blog where we defined our KPIs.

Map the growth made against the set KPIs and observe whether the results have been as expected.

Check whether the number of followers for your page has increased or whether the volume of sales has gone up by a decent mark.

Count the number of impressions you were able to create for the influencer. Chances of disappointment should be scarce.

The above-mentioned tips should take you a long way in acing your Influencer Marketing campaign.

Get ready to launch your own campaign and sit back to watch your business flourish.